By Gary
M. Schuster, Esq. A new law of interest to everyone in the arts
and culture has been passed by the New York State legislature, effective
immediately: the Municipal Theme Districts Act (General Municipal Law
Article 19-B). The purpose of the law is stated as follows: Across the nation municipal theme districts
have arisen to construct, renovate and geographically coordinate areas
of a municipality into a common area for art, entertainment, education,
culture, or business. These
areas develop the economy, tourism, culture, education and the quality
of life of a community. It shall be the public policy of the state to
encourage the development of theme districts and to promote their establishment,
designation, administration and success. Under the new law any county, city, town or village (“Local
Government”) may designate a Theme District for the purpose of promoting,
advancing or coordinating an “approved theme”. The theme must relate to
art, entertainment, education, culture or business. Any resident or business owner within a proposed Theme District
may apply to the relevant Local Government for designation of a Theme
District. The application must identify the boundaries of the proposed
district, the nature of the theme, and must include a detailed development
plan. A Theme District must consist of at least 10 acres and 30 buildings,
or must be reasonably certain to contain 30 buildings within 5 years of
designation. A Local Government would approve an application and create
a Theme District by appropriate resolution or local law. When creating
a Theme District, a Local Government must also appoint a 7-member Theme
District Board to operate and administer the Theme District. Each member
of the Board is to serve at the pleasure of the appointing body. Any Theme
District may be terminated or modified by the Local Government that created
it. The Municipal Theme Districts Act does not provide for any
financial incentives to businesses or non-profits within the Theme District.
Another law proposed during the last legislative session, the Cultural
Development Areas Act, did provide for both specially designated areas
and various financial incentives, but that law was not passed. No doubt
the legislature was unwilling to offer statewide incentives in times of
fiscal austerity. Compared to the Cultural Development Areas Act, The
Municipal Theme Districts Act might seem to be “half a loaf”, but it does
offer communities something of value. Once created, a Municipal Theme District will facilitate the
enactment of special zoning and other regulations. Local Government could
require the use of uniform styles of building signs and “street furniture”:
streetlights, trashcans, benches and the like. Hours of operation of businesses
might be changed. Types of businesses not ordinarily permitted might be
allowed. Marketing is made easier since a Theme District will likely be
given a catchy name like “Little Italy” or “Tribeca”. Once a Theme District
is up and running, its members might be inclined to take the next logical
step and create a Business Improvement District, in which a corporation
is created having the power to assess its membership and spend the funds
on improvements and programs within the district. While the Municipal Theme Districts Act might not be everything
some arts activists could hope for, it is a meaningful step and a sign
the legislature appreciates the arts and culture as an engine of economic
development and urban renewal. (Gary M. Schuster, Esq. is a member of the Jacobowitz &
Gubits, LLP, Firm (gms@jacobowitz.com) and lives in Walden, New York) |